NA/NR Match Symbol 623-05-15-100
(Revised 10/1/24 ML #3866)
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A Title IV-E eligible child for whom a Tribal Nation has court ordered custody and/or placement and care authority is reimbursed using the following match symbols in the payment systems:
NA, Native American Title IV-E reimbursable
NR, Native American Title IV-E non-reimbursable
The "NR" code is only used when there is a secondary placement. To avoid claiming Title IV-E reimbursement for two placements during the same timeframe, the primary placement must be paid under the "NA” match symbol and the secondary placement requires a match symbol of “NR”.
A child under tribal custody coded “NA” will lose reimbursement in any month for the following reasons:
Child is - in receipt of Social Security Disability (SSI).
Child has income that exceeds the standard maintenance amount and/or assets that exceed $10,000.
A child that is no longer reimbursable will become the financial responsibility of the Tribal Nation. If at any point the child is no longer SSI eligible, the SSI payment is suspended, or the child is below the asset threshold, the placement will become reimbursable starting the first day of the month in which there is no SSI payment distributed.
Tribal Cases ~ Age 18
- A child under Tribal Nation custody who is coded Native American Federal Match “NA” will lose Title IV-E eligibility when s/he turns 18 years of age and will not graduate prior to age 19. The case must be closed as of the last day of the month in which s/he turns 18, so long as the tribe retains custody of the child and the child does not enter the 18+ Continued Care program. At this point, the tribe becomes financially responsible for the case.
- If a Title IV-E tribal youth ages out of North Dakota foster care, he/she is eligible to remain in or return to or apply for the 18+ Continued Foster Care program. Tribal children eligible for 18+ will remain eligible under the “NA” match symbol.